If You Want to Know Us...
We wanted to make it obvious, yet if we haven't, we're tech geeks. There's always something new, something that devours our attention span. Being a bunch of dynamic people is a double sword. We generate tons of great ideas. The bad news is that we can't execute all of them.
Yet, we're so happy that Live Space became so real. Long story short: We knew that day-to-day life needed an innovative approach. We took the first step towards our vision. Suddenly, we became so involved and excited that we decided to contribute more significantly. And here we are today!
Well, what kind of tech-savvy wanderers are we if we don't mention our love for sneaking around local coffee shops? Oh, and our favorite brew? A piping hot filter coffee, of course.
We're open. Open to collaborations with innovative companies and bright people, to be specific. We want to make our small steps bigger with you! So the next time you're in the mood for the piping hot filter (or anything else, we don't judge), let it be a business talk.